Articles by: Stefan Junker

New product Y9820A released

The Y9820A Inceptron Companion is a high-performance state-of-the-art AI algorithm processing and deep learning inference hardware, perfectly developed for the combination with a modern Spectrum Analyzer such as the Anritsu MS2090A and using performant communication. The combination of an embedded graphics processing unit (CPU/ GPU) enables real-time neural network signal […]


Signal Learning at SCCC

The Swiss Communication Center SCCC is the ideal facility for training and analysing RF signals. Due to the comprehensive device park such as IQ Signal producers and IQ Signal captures, all kind of wired and wireless signal can be generated for the training of CNN networks. Please ask us for […]


Modulation recognition with Y8800A

The Y8800A is a high-performance state- of-the-art AI algorithm processing and deep learning inference hardware, perfectly combined with a software-defined radio (SDR) using performant communication. The combination of an embedded graphics processing unit (CPU/ GPU) enables real-time wideband digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms to be executed in software, with additional […]
